Welcome to the Penncrest Class of 1970 website

We Want Your Photos of the Reunion!

Here is How to Upload Photos

  • Uploading photos to a sharing platform using something called FTP (file transfer protocol) like Dropbox or Google Photos varies by the make, model and type of device you used to take the photos on. It is pretty easy to do once you download the mobile ap for the specific platform. If you have already transferred your files to a computer, you won't need to download an ap.

  • It appears that uploading to some of these existing folders is flummoxing people. You can set up your own account on Google Dcouments, Dropbox, SmugMug, or wherever, and send me the link to that folder, and I can get them down.

  • If this is just too complicated for you, you can EMAIL your photos to me at barbara@penncrest70.com too. Do be aware that many email service providers limit the size of the files you can transmit, so send your photos 3-4 per email to be sure they get to me.

  • You only have to transmit your photos one way and time, I'll gather them and put them on the website as I can get to them. And Thank you for sharing your photos. People will be eager to see them.

Upload Your Photos to DropBox

For cell phones, you will need to download the DropBox Mobile App prior to accessing our DropBox folder. Its a free ap and available to Android and iOS (Apple) phones. If you have already transferred your photos to a desktop or laptop, or once you download the mobile ap, you can then go directly to the DropBox link below.

  1. Click this link to reach the Class of 1970 folder on DropBox Class of 1970 link
  2. Click on the Class of 70 folder to open it. You will see a folder named Example to show you how yours should look after you set it up. If you open that Example folder, I placed an image in it to show how yours will look when completed.
  3. At the page top on the left, are some buttons and drop down menus. FIRST, click the Create drop down and select FOLDER.
  4. Name your new folder with your name to identify which photos should be credited to you.
  5. Open your Folder and choose the Upload button at the page top.
  6. Choose the photos you want to upload one at a time and load any and all you wish to share.
  7. Although I will check this platform regularly, PLEASE let me know via email at barbara@penncrest70.com that you have uploaded your photos so I can process them and place them on the website.

Upload Your Photos to GooglePhotos

For cell phones, you may need to download the Google Photos Mobile App prior to accessing our Google Photos folder. Its a free ap and available to Android and iOS (Apple) phones. If you have already transferred your photos to a desktop or laptop, or once you download the mobile ap, you can then go directly to the Google Photos link below.

  1. Click this link to reach the Class of 1970 folder on Google Photos Class of 1970 folder link
  2. You do not have to make an individual folder for your photos as this program puts your name on each photo you upload.
  3. On the top right of the page you come to, are some icons. These tell you what they do if you mouse over them, but the second icon from the left is the Upload Icon. Click on it.
  4. That brings you to an upload page, showing any photos you have already uploaded, if you have uploaded any.
  5. At the very top right of that page is a button, and mine says 'Select from Computer' because I haven't downloaded the mobile ap. I'm going to assume it will either say 'Select from Phone' or something equally as informative when you use a phone instead of a computer. Click on it.
  6. That should take you to your photos stored on your phone or a way to navigate to the photos you want to upload from your phone.
  7. Choose the photos you want to upload one at a time and load any and all you wish to share.
  8. Although I will check this platform regularly, PLEASE let me know via email at barbara@penncrest70.com that you have uploaded your photos so I can process them and place them on the website.